
Andrea's Roommate (Chapter 18)

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    Working with a hangover was a learned skill.  And, coincidentally, this was a skill that Kate did not have.  So, groggily and lethargically, Kate did her job to the best of her ability- that is, very poorly.  "Yeah, we've got... Uh... This many orders, so, you know... Do 'em."  Was pretty much all she could mutter before sneaking into her bosses office and shutting off the lights.  Sure, four beers isn't much.  But for Kate, it was half a bottle of whiskey.  She was in a bad place.  Sneaking out on Andrea was easy enough, but she had made the basic mistake of not drinking any water or eating something, opting to go straight to work for the day.  The headache had snuck up on her, and it was only by the grace of the Kitchen Gods that they didn't have a ton of work to be done.  She made sure everyone knew she was in the office the second they needed her, but, and she emphasized this:  "I have complete faith in you all."  So, all squared away in the office, Kate "did paperwork" for a few hours. 

    Of course, all good things must end, and eventually she was dragged out for the dinner rush.  Thankfully, she was much more hydrated (and well rested) and nothing too crazy happened.  Still, the day dragged on, and by the time they closed it down, Kate was exhausted.  "I'm definitely not doing that again on a night before work..."  She muttered as she locked up.  So tired was she, she didn't even bother to grab some food for Andrea on her way out.  After all, fattening up her roommate couldn't be a 24/7 job, no matter how much fun that sounded.  It was starting to get cold out after work, she really needed to grab a jacket, and soon.  Maybe she could drag Andrea along, get the girl to try on some new clothes... Imagine her face, as she realized that her chubbier torso and bigger breasts wouldn't squeeze into her accustomed size... Kate let out a happy sigh as her car rattled to life.  She couldn't wait for her shower tonight.  Especially with what she watched happen earlier today...


    Andrea had an... Interesting day.  No stranger to drinking, she didn't feel nearly as terrible as Kate had- because Andrea was blessed with a body that would let her sleep off any hangover.  The more she drank, the longer she slept.  It was a nice arrangement, to be sure, and while it was nice to not wake up feeling like absolute garbage, it was always a bit of a shock to fall asleep the previous night and wake up in the afternoon.  Truth be told, she was awake when Kate left, she just didn't say anything, mostly because she hadn't noticed that the girl was even up until she heard the front door slam.  So, while she was groggy- and hungry- she didn't get up for quite some time, preferring to mess around on her phone for the time being.  However, she couldn't lay around all day... Well, technically she could, but at some point she needed food.

    Sitting up on the couch and loudly cracking her back, Andrea was a portrait of a college girl who drank a lot the night before.  Because she was.  Hair adorably askew, clothes from the night before ruffled and wrinkled, and groggy as hell.  Andrea stretched, causing her pooch of a belly to ooze out of her shirt, which rode up a few inches.  Scratching at it idly, Andrea nimbly hopped up from the couch.  Her belly rumbled in a cartoonish way as she made her way to the fridge, eagerly anticipating any sort of food she could find.  However, it seemed it wasn't to be.  There certainly wasn't any leftovers after last night- Andrea remembered at least that much.  But there wasn't anything that she could just scarf down without prepping.  "Didn't we just get groceries?" She grumbled, and it was true, they had, but Andrea was too damn lazy to actually cook something beyond a sandwich at the moment.  And while they did have some sandwich meat, Andrea usually was in the mood for a Dagwood style of sandwich- several layers, several ingredients- and they didn't have the goods for that.  "Uggggh... Am I gonna have to go out?"  The lethargic girl whined as she impatiently rubbed her stomach, which had bunched into two distinct jelly rolls from her current hunched over position.

    Getting ready took way too long for how little Andrea actually did, but she eventually got somewhat presentable and made her way outside.  She was glad she had thrown a sweater on because it was miserable out, the wind was blowing like crazy ("Glad I didn't spend time on my hair, I guess.")  Initially, she was going to go to Kev's for a sandwich- Oh, did that not sound heavenly- until she realized that 1. she was kinda super hella broke, and 2. she got a ridiculous employee discount!  Pretty positive that it was like, 50%, Andrea figured she could swing it.  And so she walked to her work.  While a sandwich sounded great, a burger, she had to admit, sounded even better.

    For the time of day, Andrea couldn't imagine that the place would be busy- and she was right.  The place was empty.  There was quite a kerfuffle happening in the back, which Andrea recognized pretty quickly as John's signature cleaning style.  Dude never spoke but somehow was the noisiest cleaner.  In short order, Kate wandered out into the front.  "Andrea!  I'm glad to see you aren't, uh... Dead.  I figured I wouldn't wake you up when I left..."  Kate stuttered a bit, the hint of a blush forming on her face.  Of course, Andrea didn't notice..

    "Nah, I'm not dead, ha.  Just hungry!  One could say I'm... Dead hungry?"  Kate didn't laugh.  Andrea snorted.  "Annnnnyways. What the hell did I have the other day?  That crazy burger?"  Kate blanked for a second, staring at Andrea.  Why was she acting so weird?  Andrea wondered.  "Uh... Earth to Kate?"  She snapped her fingers in her roommates face. 


    Kate wasn't having the best day, obviously.  But the second Andrea walked in, she felt a little bit better.  Just a bit.  Andrea's hair really was getting long, and she looked positively windswept when she ambled into the restaurant.  Frankly, Andrea just had that kind of naturally beautiful face that was framed so well by her blonde hair that Kate doubted she ever looked naturally bad.  But her outfit was what Kate couldn't help but stare at.  Andrea had opted for leggings with a sweater- standard college girl fare.  But!  Andrea was never one for loose-fitting sweaters to begin with.  And with her potbelly and significantly larger breasts... Well, it wasn't fitting well.  She was wearing a tanktop underneath- Kate only knew this because it was covering the lower curve of her belly, which couldn't be contained by her drastically undersized sweater.  When she sauntered in the door, her skintight leggings showcased just how untoned her thighs had become, jiggling slightly with every step, and her belly actually fucking wobbled.  Kate was in a trance.  Which was broken by the snapping of fingers in her face.  "Oh... Uh... You had the BBQ Blitz!"  She finally managed to croak out. 

    "Oh!  Yeah, duh.  Dunno how I could forget a name that... Uh... Unique."

    "If by unique, you mean stupid, then yeah."

    They both laughed pretty hard at that.  When they had recovered- Kate's blush coming on harder than ever at the sight of Andrea doubling over, her rounder rear waving in the wind, so to speak- Andrea finally got her order out.  "Can I get that, but uh... With two patties?"  Kate nodded, scared to talk at the risk of just letting out a moan on accident.  "And uh... Obviously, a soda... And... Shit, do I want fries or onion rings?"  Andrea put a finger on her chin in a very tired cliche of a way.

    "Lemme, uh... Hook you up with both?"  Kate said, and Andrea's eyes glinted. 

    "See, I knew livin' with you was a good idea!"  Andrea giggled, before forking over a whopping $5.68 for her disgusting amount of food.

    Kate, being the totally kind-hearted girl she was, with no devious motives, told John to take five while she cooked Andrea's food.  First, the burger patties.  It's no secret that some big chain burger joints use butter with their burgers.  Mr. Arco didn't love the idea, and didn't do it.  But they had butter.  And Kate had a girl to fatten.  So both burgers were fried on top of a healthy slab of butter.  A hefty handful of fries and a heaping helping of onion rings made their way into the frier.  Loads of shredded cheese was thrown on the patties, along with a gratuitous amount of BBQ sauce- pretty much sugar, to be honest.  And... Well, Kate figured one of the fried cookie balls wouldn't be missed.  Those were one of Mr. Arco's creations, and holy shit were they popular with the stoner 10PM crowd.  It was nothing but a handful of cookie dough, breaded and fried, but damn did college kids love them.  They usually cost 4$ a pop (way too expensive, but Mr. Arco knew people would pay it) but they had a ton of them prepped at all times and it's not like they did inventory.

    Soon enough, Kate proudly marched out Andrea's meal, much to her chubby friend's delight.  Looked like she was already on her second soda, judging by the level in the cup and Andrea's inability to pace herself, Kate thought happily as she dropped the plate on the table with an audible thud.  "You are seriously the best... And what, you snagged me a cookie ball?  Fuck yes!"  Andrea grabbed Kate's waist and gave her a quick side hug from her chair.  If she heard her audible sigh of happiness, Andrea didn't comment.  The burger had her full attention.  God, watching this girl eat was literally heaven.  What a pig!  No self restraint, and apparently Andrea didn't give two shits about what her roomie thought of her, because within two bites there was a copious amount of BBQ sauce on her cheeks, which apparently had no chance of getting wiped off.  Watching the meal proceed was like a damn wet dream... Andrea had no restraint!  Several fries were jammed into her mouth, in between bites of burger and sips of soda.  And this burger was no joke, it was just wide enough to fit in Andrea's mouth, but barely.  "How does she do this?  Seriously, it's like she could win any eating contest if she put her mind to it..."  But that thought just made Kate squirm even more, so she put it to rest.


    "Oh, my God... I dunno, Kate... That was hic amazing, but... That's still a lot of cookie dough..."  Andrea gurgled, leaning as far back as she could in the cheap dining chair.  The burger, devoured.  The fries and onion rings, destroyed.  And two cups of soda were long gone- Kate was gracious enough to grab her a refill, not that it mattered.  Andrea was done.  And she still had to walk home... Shit.  She was gonna need quite a breather before that happened.  She grunted as she pushed a fist gently into her upper gut, letting out a forceful belch.  "Seriously, can I get a doggie bag?"  She muttered, her eyes starting to glaze over.

    "I uh... That's gonna be awful if you try to reheat it!  Wait, I've uh... Got an idea!"  Kate said, talking a bit faster than usual- not that Andrea noticed.  Skittering off, Kat scrambled back into the kitchen.  Andrea managed to force out another long belch, shamelessly letting loose as she somehow slouched even lower into her chair.  Her gut stuck out like a sore thumb- not that she cared- and her sweater had bunched under her boobs, giving her more rubbing room, which she did slowly and carefully.  She felt like she was going to burst, and the soda definitely wasn't going to help that matter.  "And... Tah-Dah!"  Kate shouted as she flew out of the kitchen, the cookie ball covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

    "Are you fucking kidding me?  You just made it even worse hic."  Andrea grunted as she attempted- and failed- to sit up straight, slouching back down immediately.  But, despite her obvious discomfort, Andrea slowly sliced a small piece off the cookie monstrosity, and jammed it into her mouth.  After an agonizingly long swallow, Andrea had to relent... "Okay, I guess that helped." 


    Watching Andrea force that calorific monstrosity down her throat... Well, Kate was feeling a LOT better from the start of her shift.  And if today was any indication of Andrea's potential (like she needed any more indication of it) then Kate would have plenty of fond memories regarding her rapidly-rounding roomie.  Long story short, Andrea finished up, looking a little green, before they actually started having customers show up.  And as much as Kate would've loved to stay there and watch her very overfilled roommate/current crush belch away the afternoon, Kate had to -sigh- actually do work.  And in between orders, Kate snuck out only to see that Andrea had already moved on to greener pastures: presumably the futon.  Ah well, at least she got to watch Andrea's gluttony first-hand, without having to get her drunk first.  That was more than enough to make her hangover tolerable.
Well... That took a while.  Sorry about the 7 month wait, everybody!  I think this is gonna be continued very soon, however.  Probably.  Maybe.  Who knows.

Anyways, enjoy!  Feel free to point out whatever mistakes I inevitably made.

© 2014 - 2024 jerkajerk
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Love this series, it's always a good day if a new episode pops up :)